Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Google maps playtime! creating custom maps with multiple map-pins.

Not to be out dated - Google have now made a tutorial on this! Enjoy.

 --------------------------------  Original Post  ------------------------

I had been wondering for a while how to get google maps to display multiple pins. I wanted to be able to put multiple addresses in, so that I could for example track holiday destinations or destinations I need to travel to and from with my new job. I thought in order to do this I was going to have to make use of the Google Maps API in order to generate a map filled with pins from a pre-assembled list of map coordinates - or addresses thrown into the Geocoder API...

But horray, its so much simpler!

If you log into your Google account when on Google maps (Come now, you know you have a google account... any self respecting geek is going to be using somewhere to hold their RSS feeds...) you have a function on the left of the screen called "my maps".

Adding a map to Google Maps.

Simple as that, you can create your own custom map. Now whenever you search a location on the map - you can click the map-pin and "save to map". When you view your "my map" which it is saved in, you can see the map pin - and edit details about it such as the location (dragging it) name or note.

I have spent WAY too much time fiddling with this...


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